21 days in 12 minutes

Video report of the trip

6687 km in 21 days

On- and Offroad route

TomTom and Garmin

Download Routes for GPS

All my routes are mostly created by myself in MyRoute-App (MRA) whereby inspired by several other routes and sites. In MRA you can verify your route against all major map sources and you can download the routes in any format, suitable for your GPS.

A special thanks goes to Adventure Riding NZ for providing me with lots of inspiration for the offroad routes.

The download contains all .int and .gpx files, including a simple pdf route description (distances and time between points). The complete route is cut into six parts, to be able to adapt it to your riding style/speed. I have also updated the routes after the trip for minor errors and I have added the exact overnight stays to the route.

More offroad video's


Previous adventure: The Alps and Dolomites

Next adventure: Ireland